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Which operating system to choose, Linux VPS server or Windows VPS server

Which operating system to choose, Linux VPS server or Windows VPS server?

The most common VPS offered by the market are Windows VPS server and Linux VPS server, but which operating system is better to choose? There are different types of Linux and Windows VPS hosting plans available in the market for the client to make choice.

Linux VPS is being secure by SSH which manages the VPS by command lines. When high resources run on Linux, no reboots are required by the admin regularly. Even Windows VPS provides GUI that makes it more user-friendly, but it requires to reboot for each minor patch or software update. Windows VPS also operates with many pre-installed applications that consume CPU.

We know that Linux VPS is an open-source operating system, and this makes it more secure. It is because there will always be a lot of professional programmers able to help review and find the vulnerability from it so that the bugs can be fixed on time. Besides that, Linux VPS has a smaller user base compared to windows VPS that is more popular. Cybercrime will generate more effort to search for the vulnerability for windows VPS since that it has a huge user base that could be targeted.

Windows VPS server hosting windows specific software only but Linux VPS server can host much open-source software make it more compatible. Although much commercial software is created for the Windows operating system, it comes with a cost. In Linux operating system, open-source software can be freely accessed.

Despite the fact that windows VPS server is more popular than Linux VPS server now, but we also can’t deny that Linux VPS does provide benefits for the user. Why don’t we just take a brave step to choose Linux VPS with all these good advantages?

Feel free to check out Casbay Australia Blog or Guide for more information about the VPS server.