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KVM VPS vs OpenVZ | What is the Difference Between Them and Which One is Best for You

KVM VPS vs OpenVZ | What is the Difference Between Them and Which One is Best for You?

There are so many options and platforms for VPS hosting that might cause people to be overwhelmed. Such as VPS SSD KVM for Windows, Linux, VPS SSD for Forex, VPS SSD for Linux OpenVZ and much more. Each of them come with a different price and unique advantages and disadvantages. So what in this article will discuss the difference between OpenVZ and KVM VPS.

The most significant difference between Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) and OpenVZ is the OS that is supported. KVM is more flexible and able to host Linux, Windows and other custom OS. While OpenVZ can only host supported Linux operating systems. For example, Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, SUSE and Fedora 23.

Next, KVM used the full virtualisation technology where we can run Linux and Windows virtual machines (VM) side by side using the same hardware. It allows VM to have their own kernel and gives a more isolated environment.

Each VM has will have its own private virtualised hardware like CPU, kernel, network card, disk, graphics adapter, storage and others. Thus, each VM will have 100% of the RAM and disk resources that are dedicated to them.

This is real hardware virtualisation and the low requirements on the hypervisor able to provide better performance.

On the other hand, OpenVZ is container-based virtualisation for Linux. It uses a shared kernel with a layer of virtualisation located on the top of the actual Linux OS. This is OS-level virtualisation that allows many basic components to existing once on the machine, and all guests can using those components. It operates like an identical kernel. 

Each container will execute and performs like a stand-alone server. Then, a container can be rebooted independently and will have users, IP addresses, root access, memory, configuration files, system libraries, application, processes, applications and files.

We hope this article helped you to know the difference between KVM VPS and OpenVZ and which one is best for you. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any assistance. Therefore, for more information, you may visit our Casbay Global site blog about VPS hosting articles.