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Windows VPS Server vs Dedicated Server

Windows VPS Server or Dedicated Server Best for A Large Personal Site

Windows VPS server or dedicated server, which will be more suitable for a client to host a large personal site? Personal websites are popular in this digital era helping people to promote their personal things to the public.

This kind of personal website may potentially expand from time to time in the future, scalability is important to adapt to the website’s needs. There are various levels of Windows VPS hosting plans for clients to choose from according to their personal website size. A large personal website can choose the plan that provides more resources, the plans can be upgraded to even more resources at any time to fit with the larger personal site.

The budget used to host a personal site is limited as compared to big companies. Windows VPS server is cheaper and has affordable price than dedicated server. It can reduce the headache for the client to host a large personal site because the budget exists as a burden for them. Dedicated servers have powerful resources and this causes them to be much more expensive.

Even for a large personal site, the workload will not be as heavy as a big company’s website that needs to deal with various data and features services. Using a windows VPS server hosting is already sufficient for a personal website to perform smoothly. If a dedicated server is used, it is seen to be underused the powerful resource like wrapping a small cake with a super big container.

Thus, a Windows VPS server is the better choice to host a large personal website rather than a dedicated server. Feel free to visit our Casbay Australia Blog for more information about Windows VPS Hosting.