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VPN Secure When Traveling

VPN | How To Keep Your Information Safe While Traveling | Number 1 Best Guidance

Cyber security is a full time job, even when you are on vacation.

Many of us are now well aware of the importance of maintaining our own personal cyber security. With data leaks and hacking dominating the news, most internet users have learned that being complacent is putting oneself in grave danger. With more of our personal data being shared online than ever before, this level of awareness is not paranoid, but rather prudent and prudent.

When people leave home and travel away from their typical wifi networks and sites of connectivity, however, there appears to be a disconnect. When we travel, we change our physical routines—diet, exercise, and schedule—and we do the same with our digital routines. However, just because we’re not at home doesn’t mean we should relax our security measures when it comes to our personal cyber security. “The more we travel and utilise the Internet on the go, the greater cyber threats we face,” the US Department of Homeland Security cautions. At home or on the go, no one is immune to the threat of cybercrime.

The good news is that you may protect yourself from online fraudsters and cyber hazards by following a few simple precautions and habits while on the road.

Whether you’re travelling for work or pleasure, making an extra effort to maintain this level of awareness ensures that you’re doing everything you can to keep your data safe.

Back up

It may sound obvious, but backing up your data before leaving the house is always a good idea. The most foolproof solution is to have both a cloud-based backup that you can access on the go in case you lose a device, such as Dropbox, and a hardware backup in case your Dropbox account or other cloud-based alternative is hacked. It may appear that having two backups is excessive, but you will thank yourself if and when the worst-case situation arises.

Connect wisely

When you’re travelling in a foreign place and don’t have access to your typical data plan, it’s tempting to log into any public wifi network you can find. But be cautious. Public networks, such as those provided by train stations or the city, may be vulnerable. If you must use a public wifi network for sensitive searches or activities such as online banking or shopping, utilise a VPN encryption plugin that will conceal what you’re doing. Furthermore, always double-check that the network you’re logging into is authentic; if it appears to be seeking a lot of personal information, it could be a hoax.

Treat public computers with caution

When travelling, you may find yourself needing to use a public computer in a hotel or internet cafe. If you do, pay great attention to the type of data you’re entering. When you’re through, log out of your email and accounts, and remove the search history from the computer you were on.

Be vigilant about your devices

If you’re travelling with a laptop or other electronic devices, don’t assume that your hotel room or other lodging is a secure location to store them. Keep your electronics hidden or in a secure safe if necessary, and be especially cautious during business meetings (where thieves know there will be plenty of devices to choose from). Have in mind that tourists are frequently targeted when out and about with their electronics, and make sure you keep physical contact with your items at all times, even if you’re sitting in a café or bar.

Feel free to visit our Casbay Australia website for more details about VPN. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.