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Web Hosting Talk (WHT), Hosting Discussion (HD), and ForumWeb are just a handful of the online hosting forums that stand out above the others. What do you mean by that? The primary distinction in between three and many others is their level of moderation, membership, and contribution to the hosting business.
WHT has large number of members, who have initiated over 1.5 million threads and made over 9 million posts.
Hosting Discussion – In January 2020, there were approximately 7000 individuals online on the topic.
However, the value of their threads and posts is usually much higher than you’ll discover on other web hosting forums, thanks in part to the volunteer staff that indirectly affects those forums to keep them free of shills, spammers, and scammers.
Operating a Web Hosting Business, Dedicated Services, Colocation, Safety, Programming, and even off-the-shelf items like gardening and cooking are among the subjects covered in these forums.
However, over time, and this goes to all forums, there has been less conversation and an increase in the quantity of adverts on the marketplace forums. When you tap on New Posts, you’ll usually get a list of about 25 threads, but only three or four of them are legitimate conversations, while the rest are… well, adverts.
When it comes to adverts, most forums allow merchants to publish ads, while some allow as little as four days, and others won’t let you post until your ad has scrolled below the fold. Some advertising has been sitting on top of their particular forums for weeks. While I understand the logic in these differences, money plays a major role.
If your objective is to advertise your services on these forums, how much does it cost to stand out amid the crowd? Some forums require you to pay for “stickies.” These advertisements are always at the top of the page and may be underlined or highlighted in yellow.
This might be anywhere from a few bucks per week to more than $200 per week. Let’s hope you have a fantastic closing ratio. Why am I saying this? Prices for dedicated servers, for example, have dropped to such low levels that profits are razor thin. When you factor in setup costs, a provider’s return on investment could take a year or more. Then you must believe new clients will remain around long enough for the model to function.
In terms of the level of web hosting forums, this is what differentiates the excellent from the poor. On WHT, comments are verified, and if the OP has made an outrageous claim, other users are quick to call him out (original poster). The same can be said about hosting a discussion
I can’t start listing all the forums that have vanished from the face of a Internet due to various factors. Frequently, they were either unable to expand their membership or were bombarded with spam. WebmasterTalk.net and WebmasterPeak are two notable forums that are no longer active. These were both pretty popular forums back in the day.
The majority of the participants on these forums are either the owners or corporate representatives of their separate hosting companies, followed by the general public – primarily people with questions about various providers or asking for advice.
If you have a question about hosting, SEO, marketing, or anything else, web hosting forums are a great place to go for practical, knowledgeable answers from people who live and live this stuff every day.
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