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ssl certificates

4 Reasons to Use an SSL Certificate

Yes, it is a significant expenditure, but it is well worth it. If you’re still not convinced, examine the reason to choose an SSL certificate.

1. Boost Your SEO

Is an SSL certificate beneficial to SEO? Google may boost your search engine ranks as a reward for installing an SSL certificate. Yes, SEO ranking elements are included in the SSL benefits. If you’re having trouble ranking your website, you should consider installing an SSL certificate.

2. Website Performance

It was originally widely believed that having an SSL certificate slowed down your website’s performance. This is a misconception that we wish to dispel. Yes, HTTPS speeds up your site rather than slowing it down. It increases the performance, optimization, and promotion of your website.

3. Reasonably priced

Purchasing an SSL certificate is not expensive. You now have hundreds of choices, many of which are inexpensive. SSL certificates are available at low costs through hosting providers, and you may select from a variety of brands and types.

You may either get aid from your web hosting provider or utilize a free SSL certificate like Let’s Encrypt for your website or blog.

4. Simple to Set Up

Installing an SSL certificate does not necessitate technical expertise. Most control panels allow you to install the certificate with a few clicks, as well as some hosting companies have 24/7 managed assistance that can activate the certificate for you.

The following steps can be used to convert HTTP to HTTPS:

  • Purchase an SSL certificate.
  • If you’re using a shared hosting provider, be cautious while installing the certificate.
  • Every link should be changed from HTTP to HTTPS.
  • To ensure the safety of your visitors, redirect them to the updated URLs.
  • For safe tracking, update your analytic tools and Search Console.


The major benefit of an SSL certificate, among others, is that it encrypts data and protects the privacy of your clients and visitors. Nonetheless, it enhances your website’s overall user experience.